Showing posts with label Scrum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scrum. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

What is Scrum & what does a Scrum Master do

The Scrum process is anchored by the following standard fundamental elements; a backlog list, the team, owner, stand up, planning sessions, and retrospect. The Scrum Master role is to ensure all elements are functioning together properly, eliminating obstacles and tackling any unknowns head on. In addition to that, the Scrum Master will track the velocity (Burn down chart) within the iteration, capacity per iteration, capacity per person, and ensuring that the project and company requirements are met.

Scrum Project Charter (If needed)
For any new project, if a company calls for a charter, then the key elements will need to be identified by the Scrum Master, Owner and Team. The breakdown can be defined as such: Description (by Owner), Business Justification (by Owner), High level Project Requirements/Epics(by Owner, team and Scrum Master), Backlog (only if possible early in this stage by the Owner, team and Scrum Master), Risks (By the Owner and Scrum Master), Assumptions (By the Owner and Scrum Master) and Constraints (By the Owner and Scrum Master).

Project Initiation, Epic and User Story
The process is initiated by identifying the different areas in the system (Epics) and prioritizing them. This work is done by the Scrum Master, Owner(s) and team. In an ideal Scrum environment, a single role “Owner” will be designated for such a function, however in many companies, one must rely on many owners. For every Epic, a set of user stories are identified and created by the owner(s) and analysts. Each user story follows the standard format; “As a I would like/want to so that ”. Each user story will be estimated and added to the backlog list. This list must be visible to all parties in the team and stakeholders to ensure transparency. In addition to this, it is important to identify and make known the definition of when an item/task is "Done". "Done" is defined differently between companies and as you read further when an item will be defined "Done" will be clearer. In all cases an item is "Done" when  it is "Shippable"  or "ready for live system".

Iteration Initiation
At the start of any “iteration”, the Scrum Master schedules a planning session to go through each item with the team. The items are selected based on priority and ordered properly within the iteration. The sum of the estimates for the items selected for the iteration would equate to the calculated team’s capacity. Capacities are always adjusted to take into account how many points are spent on non-project related tasks.

Stand up
Throughout an iteration, everyday there is a daily stand-up. Each person will come ready to this time-boxed meeting with “What I did yesterday”, “what I will do today”, and “Obstacles in my way”. The Scrum Master role is to clear obstacles raised and keep velocities updated.

Functional Testing and Demo/Presentation
As a set of items are finished for the owner(s) and they have passed unit and functional testing, the changes will be presented with an opportunity for adjustment upon request. Negotiating as to what and if a change is possible in the present iteration based on that meeting is one of the Scrum Master's responsibilities.

Testing and Definition of "Done"
Some companies define "Done" when the user story has passed both functional testing and the owner presentation. Once all changes for the iteration passes through all testing environments, if a company applies manual or automated regression testing, then some of those companies define an item as "Done" once these tests pass. Many smaller companies would be ready to deploy the changes to a live system at this point. Larger companies tend to follow through user acceptance testing on a pre-production environment. Some such companies may define "Done" before the UAT others only after. For some companies with smaller teams who apply UAT, all members in the scrum team would be involved in UAT. In such cases it merits to define "Done" when the UAT is complete. For larger companies who have a scrum and UAT team, this is where the scrum team would start a new iteration. In all cases regardless of who is doing the Regression and UAT, any new item or defect discovered after the item(s) are set as "Done" will placed into the backlog list and re-prioritized accordingly.

At the end of every iteration, a retrospect meeting is initiated. Each team member will come to the meeting with three topics; “what went well”, “what did not go well”, and “how we can improve on what didn’t go well”. This will be a driver for the Scrum Master to improve every iteration to continuously advance the efficiency and quality of the team and system.

Friday, July 3, 2015

'me rant' about the Software/hardware and Business people

This is 'me rant' about the Software/hardware and Business people relationship (from a narrow perspective)

Software/Hardware engineers are event driven. They are the beloved folks that make things out of nothing... well.. with the help of IntelliSense (for us lazy ppl), almost out of nothing... They are always focused at the task at hand and not so much on the time. Every now and then the humble (some ain't so much) PM/SrumMaster/Product Owner would venture out of the hole (i.e. fancy office) to check up on the work being done and understand and clear obstacles where needed.

Then you have the other side. Business people. They are time driven. We all love them.. (sorta). After all, they have the all mighty dollar! They want things done now, noW, nOW, NOW! they are always focused at the task at large and not so much on the gritty details. They are focused on time. Similarly, the humble PM/SrumMaster/Product Owner would undertake the perilous journey (thank you thesaurus) and interact with them to identify and help everyone keep what needs to be done simple and organized (Dont quote this you Masters of Scrum)

So what is the best way to bride those two groups??? Meet "Super wo/men" aka "Product owner" and ScrumMaster (Dah, I already mentioned them twice). Lets start with the owner. So what is this hero's role. Well in simple terms, organizing  what is important and what is not (i.e. backlog/Task List). That it. nothing to it. right?.... WRONG!!!. Just imagine how many opinions the poor sucker ... I mean ... person will have to go through. This person understands and gets what the business needs and wants. And all this need to be passed along to the development team, they give the magic estimate, and runs back to the business folks with "Ok, so now I can do this, that and those, but these, have to be left to next 2 weeks" ... "and oh, here, I got you cupcakes and muffins" and then run away (As if muffins and cupcakes go together... heresy I say!!)

You have all this while the other hero ScrumMaster is running around and duct taping every problem. (Duct tap is awesome....) For every problem there is a solution. This person will have to be able to pickup the pieces of every disaster and make it into a 'bump on the road', in or out of the iteration.

So where does that bring this conversion to... not sure.. everyone is needed. There are no real heroes. you remove one role and the whole things goes back to old school chaos. So I'm going to just going to end it

(I love Duct tap)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Should technical work (non-code. Example: setting up servers, DBs, Hardware.. etc) be added as a user story to a backlog?

Short Answer; Yes

Long Answer;
A user story has 3 parts: As a [user/actor] I would like to [Action] so that [reason/value]

Whenever you make a decision, whether technical or not, you need to consider "why" we are doing what we are doing. Thus the last part of the user story has very high value to the owner. Example. why should we upgrade the server version from X to X+1. Another, Why should we increase the hard drive space from X GB to Y GB? It could be to support a new feature that will require lots of data storage or new DLLs from some server version, or lots of transactional audit data... etc. These points help put on paper in clear and concise way why we are doing a change

If you recall in scrum, during the iteration planning, we need to estimate how much effort is needed for a task. We estimate using points. Based on that you can estimate a task it takes to complete a technical or non-technical task. Remember, in scrum you estimate the effort to complete a task in full in accordance to your organization. Thus documentation, audit needs, any task required by your company would have to be considered during the iteration planning. So Hardware is a part of that. To estimate, you will need to look at the i.e. what is it that needs to be done.

Last, if you recall when working on a user story, the aim is to make it measurable. Thus you could end up with multiple stories to complete and epic story. Example: Epic. Build a server for Web application X. The stories title could be: Install OS, Install IIS or Apache, configure Ports, install DB server, Configure DB... etc. You see that you can take each of those and write a simple user story. In each case capturing a small piece of what needs to be done, and as mentioned above, capturing why we are doing it.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

What could be a list of potential definition of "Done" for user stories?

The word "Done" should not be used in any context except when one is saying the functionality is ready for live. The other word that should be used is either "finished" or "ready"

Mike Cohn has commented on user stories in a very well structured and coherent fashion in his books. A "ready" user story should the follow several attributes known as INVEST:

- Independent – No dependencies between stories.
- Negotiable – User Story is negotiable between the team and the customer.
- Valuable to the user – The functionality dictated by the user story should have value to end users.
- Estimate-able – The scrum team should be able to estimate the user story story
- Small – User Stories should be completed in a single sprint/iteration
- Testable – Test should cover everything that will allow the features to be "Done". This means that the user story should be able to be completed.

Friday, September 3, 2010

What are some of you approaches to doing a retrospective? Do you have any creative activities that can help the facilitae the team to have a dialogue

At the end of each iteration, all the members would meet in a room. One of the members would stand in front of the white board to drive this meeting. Every iteration it would be someone different from the team ( This to prevent strongly opinionated people from taking over the meeting all the time). The one driving the meeting will draw two columns on the board.

1- What went well in the iteration
2- What didn't go well in the iteration

People would make suggestions/comments and the person driving the meeting will be writing on the wall the suggestions/comments in the appropriate column.

When a comment is made on the "What didn't go well" the discussion regarding "what can we do to avoid what didn't go well" is asked and a discussion goes underway naturally. As a SM the expectation is to log this somewhere and follow through some of the the suggestion from this question. You as a facilitator will need to do that to make sure the team can work as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

The expectation in the meeting is that everyone will need try and bring something to the table. If that's not happening, then as a SM you would ask on those not talking about what they think (show that you care about what they think). Eventually it will be the norm for everyone to contribute.