Tuesday, December 11, 2012

As a I would like to so that

A user-story breakdown is as follows:
  • As a <user> I would like to <do some function> so that <reason/value>
A common mistake when writing user-stories is that in the section where we specify the <user>, the author of the story specifies the owner/requester of the change instead of a system user. 

A user story is meant to bridge the business and the system/code. This means that the <user> has to be a tangible entity understood from a business perspective as well as from a development stand point.

When a business member reads "As a <user>", he/she may understand this as the "person who is using the system", while the developer is reading it as "the user with type T with permission XYZ". Both are correct. Both have a different view of what a <user> is, but most importantly both are talking about the same user and again.... both are correct!