SAMBA Flight School©

Free*!!   SAMBA Flight School© , the Small Airport Management Business Application: 

Currently, small to medium flight schools face multiple management problems due to out of date, buggy, or non-specific software. SAMBA Flight School© offers solutions by incorporating the latest technologies to make all day to day operations of a modern airport work seamlessly and efficiently.  

After taking a number of flight lessons, Majed A., the co-founder and a developer of SAMBA Flight School© , recognized the lack of a well established management application at the flight school. With this in mind and after extensive research into the feasibility of such a system, he and two other developers, Chris C. and George D., decided to create SAMBA Flight School© in 2008. Thus, the team was formed when the three software engineers decided to help several flight school increase the efficiency through what they know best, engineering software. 
SAMBA Flight School©  is available on request for free*. You may email me (>> click here <<) or post a comment below via this blog and one of the project members will contact you and help you setup the application in your school/base.

Now, here are some screen shots of the Application..........................

* = Free,
if approved by one of the founders, for fight schools willing to provide constructive feedback when needed.


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